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The Zone Fast Pitch: Operations, Policy, and Procedure


Hours of Operations:


The facility is open by appointment only:


Sundays: 10:00am to 9:00pm

Mondays: 3:30pm to 9:00pm

Tuesdays: 2:30pm to 9:00pm

Wednesdays: 2:30pm to 9:00pm

Thursdays: 3:30pm to 9:00pm

Fridays: 3:30pm to 9:00pm

Saturdays: CLOSED (Available to Rent by Teams)


Saturdays: The facility is closed.  Makeups are not able to be held or lessons scheduled on either day.


Mission Statement:


To help young women ages 6-18 years to gain skills in the area of pitching, hitting, throwing, and fielding to compete at the highest level for their skill set.  


The Zone FastPitch services recreational, school, and travel players.  Each level of play is just as important as the next and ALL are important steps in the developmental process.


Lesson Format:


Lessons are private for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour 15 minutes, and 1 hour and 30 minutes


All Lessons Include the Pitchers Warm Up time and Instruction.  Please refrain from entering the facility while instruction is taking place before your scheduled lesson.  You may warm up outside if the weather permits behind the facility, but any damages to vehicles that may be parked will be at your own risk.


After establishing a consistent fastball with 70% location of all nine targets,

The lesson format is the player will complete a fast ball for 20 minutes and a speciality for 25 minutes.


Your fastball is very important to your success as a pitcher and speed/location are essential to that success.  It is a pitch you should continue to develop throughout your career and set goals for.  Every lessons from entering till exiting lessons will consist of a minimum of 15 minutes of fastball instruction.




Students who practice have higher rates of success than students who do not.  1 lesson a week is not enough to make improvements, you must practice 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes or more to see the best results.  Attending your scheduled lessons and doing the drills provided is a key to that success.  No matter what level you play on, practice is key to growth.


Interactions with Coaches (Players):


Be open to coaching.  Answer questions, give feedback, and ask questions.  Make sure you are listening and making eye contact.  Being open to constructive criticism is an important part of growing as an athlete and young adult.  Disrespecting instructors, parents, or coaches during your lesson will not be tolerated.  


Interactions at the Facility with Staff and the Public (Parents):


In our facility there are many children in and out of all ages.  Language should be appropriate and tone should be appropriate.  Yelling, angry tones, or aggressive behavior (this includes: swinging of arms, hands, kicking, slamming doors, cursing ect)  will not be tolerated toward me, clients, or children(even if it is your child).  If you are upset about an issue, schedule a time to discuss with me outside the presence of children and clients.  Consequences for this behavior will be removal from the premises and removal from client list.


Damage to any property while you are on the premises out of anger will be charged at the price the repairs cost.    If the repair costs are not paid a police report will be made to recoup the damages.




Coach David and Coach Shelby Prices:


90 minute Lessons are $115

75 minute Lessons are $90

60 minute Lessons are $75

45 minute Lessons are $55

30 minute Lessons are $45


Jr. Instructor Prices

$25 Per Lesson


Payment Dates:


First lesson of every month your payments are due in full for the month.  Weekly payments are only for those in financial strain and then the family will need to write a letter and get approval for the weekly payment plan.  If you are on a weekly payment plan and you cancel, you are still expected to pay for your canceled time.




Cancellations are subject to the full price of a lesson.  Every client gets 1 cancellation per season (Jan thru May, June thru Dec) with no charge.  Clients who cancel on a regular basis will be removed from the schedule.  (This has been the policy for several years).


If you cancel or state to me you plan on canceling, I will place a make-up or extra lesson in your slot.


Cancellations by The Zone FastPitch:

If your lesson is canceled or rescheduled by any instructor at the Zone FastPitch you will not be charged for that time.  A make up time will be provided if possible or a credit or refund. 




Facemasks should be worn for any catchers under the age of 18.  If your taking a hitting lesson the player shall wear their helmet the entire duration of the lesson.   


Tennis shoes should be worn inside the facility at all times.


Softee Balls are the only type of balls to be used to pitch or throw within the facility to reduce injury and damage. 

 If you chose to throw a regular ball then you will be responsible for any damages to person or property and assume the risk.


Other Items of Importance


  1.  Players/Coaches are only allowed to enter the cage facility area.  

 Only 15 players are allowed in the facility at a time.  All players must have a Release of Liability signed by a parent.


  1. Visitors/Spectators should wait in the lobby area.  This is for their safety.  


  1. All children (Under the age of 12) not participating in the lesson or team workout  must be supervised by an adult and must remain in the lobby area.  This is for their safety.


  1. All participants that are batting must wear a helmet at all times during a batting lesson or a team batting practice.


  1. Pitchers are to use softee balls at all times.  Youth catchers must be in full gear if they are brought to catch for a lesson.


  1. Absolutely no food and drink inside the turfed facility.   Water is permitted.  




  1.  Please do not allow players or children to go through the equipment baskets.  They are not toys.


  1. Please remove your trash after your workout/lesson.  Do not throw food trash in the interior trash can.


  1.  Please respect Coach David’s office area as private space.  No one should enter that area or remove items from that area.  The area past the curtains is off limits and is not a viewing area.


  1. Do Not Remove chairs from the lobby area.  


  1. After your lesson, please pick up your items or any items used from the facility.  Please respect the area for the next client to use at your designated ending time.


I have read and understood the policies and understand

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